Sam Rosen Elementary School Garden (Fort Worth ISD)
2613 Roosevelt Avenue
Fort Worth,TX,76164
United States
-97° -97' 9.0084000000002" N 32° 32' 36.6144" W


REAL school gardens are stimulating, inviting and beautiful spaces that encourage a child's learning across subject matters.  They are unique outdoor classrooms designed to provide hands-on, experiential learning opportunities for elementary-aged children.  This real-world learning can be integrated into all academic subject areas and has been shown to benefit children by boosting academic achievement, nurturing healthy lifestyles, cultivating life skills and promoting environmental stewardship.

Learn more about what Sam Rosen Elementary (Fort Worth ISD) is doing to grow young minds and nourish the next generation here.


Things To Do: 
Educational Programs
Hiking/ walking
Wildlife Watching